Advertising Specifications

Artwork Guidelines:

Original Logos
Artwork needs to be supplied at highest quality, preferably in a digital vector format.  If a digital file is not available please provide printed on a white background.

Original Photos
All photos need to be submitted in the highest quality and largest size available. If a digital photo, make sure the camera setting is at the highest setting when taking the photo. Please do not use paperclips on photos. All printed photos will be returned to advertiser upon request.

Scanned Art
Community Matters, Inc. will scan photos and logos to create your advertisement. Any touching up to scanned art will be at the discretion of Community Matters, Inc.

Electronic Files:

Emailed ad files should be 2 MB or less when sent as an attachment. If the file is too large for e-mail, please contact us to utilize our Dropbox site. Compression using Stuff-It or Zip format is encouraged for large files. The preferred formats for sending electronic files are:

PDF format, 300 dpi or higher, CMYK colors, set as press optimized files. Ad
must be built to exact dimensions of space purchased on map.
JPEG format, 300 dpi or higher, CMYK colors. This is the preferred format
for sending art such as logos and photos.
Illustrator flattened EPS format with outlined fonts and
embedded CMYK images, built to exact dimensions of space purchased on map.
CD-Rom: Mac or PC format

If Community Matters receives electronic files, which cannot be opened or are in a format which is not usable, you will be required to resubmit files in another format. We will do whatever possible to work with you to create a high impact ad for the map. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-380-2450 if you have any questions about submitting ad copy.

Community Matters, Inc. reserves the right to create, approve and publish a basic advertisement if advertising materials are not received by stated ad material deadline. Artwork will be returned only if specifically requested. We will retain all other artwork for 1 year from the publication date.

You may contact us with any questions at:
(800) 380-2450

You may fax ad verbiage (no photos/logos) to:
(972) 370-1766

Please send email to: adcopy@CommunityMattersInc

On all artwork submitted by e-mail, please follow guidelines listed below and include the name of the Chamber and the city. If mailing artwork, please send to the following address:

Community Matters, Inc.
P.O. Box 5900
Frisco, TX 75035